Ultra-custom Beer Mat, circa 1997
EXPED DreamWalker Sleeping Bag, 2024
Well-loved Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars
Dachstein Mitts, circa 1979
My well-loved copy given to me by my 6th-grade librarian
Homemade Hydroplane Toy, circa 1966
1962 World's Fair Mug
Pack of Viewmaster Reels, 1970
Gunding's Knife
My first camera was a Rollei 35
Homemade Walkie-Talkie, circa 1966
Chess Pieces
EB Rock Shoes, circa 1984
Beamish Bandon Bottle, Ireland
Olympic Windjammers (Seattle Frisbee Club) Wham-O 119 gram Disc, Circa 1977
Shell Impressions
Hot Wheels Car
T-Rex Model, Circa 1966
Harbor Seal Vertabra
Bob's Tools
Clam Shell, Lower Fairweather Glacier, SE Alaska
Kili Beer
Ultra-custom Beer Mat, circa 1997
Ultra-custom Beer Mat, circa 1997
EXPED DreamWalker Sleeping Bag, 2024
EXPED DreamWalker Sleeping Bag, 2024
Well-loved Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars
Well-loved Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars
Dachstein Mitts, circa 1979
Dachstein Mitts, circa 1979
My well-loved copy given to me by my 6th-grade librarian
My well-loved copy given to me by my 6th-grade librarian
Homemade Hydroplane Toy, circa 1966
Homemade Hydroplane Toy, circa 1966
1962 World's Fair Mug
1962 World's Fair Mug
Pack of Viewmaster Reels, 1970
Pack of Viewmaster Reels, 1970
Gunding's Knife
Gunding's Knife
My first camera was a Rollei 35
My first camera was a Rollei 35
Homemade Walkie-Talkie, circa 1966
Homemade Walkie-Talkie, circa 1966
Chess Pieces
Chess Pieces
EB Rock Shoes, circa 1984
EB Rock Shoes, circa 1984
Beamish Bandon Bottle, Ireland
Beamish Bandon Bottle, Ireland
Olympic Windjammers (Seattle Frisbee Club) Wham-O 119 gram Disc, Circa 1977
Olympic Windjammers (Seattle Frisbee Club) Wham-O 119 gram Disc, Circa 1977
Shell Impressions
Shell Impressions
Hot Wheels Car
Hot Wheels Car
T-Rex Model, Circa 1966
T-Rex Model, Circa 1966
Harbor Seal Vertabra
Harbor Seal Vertabra
Bob's Tools
Bob's Tools
Clam Shell, Lower Fairweather Glacier, SE Alaska
Clam Shell, Lower Fairweather Glacier, SE Alaska
Kili Beer
Kili Beer